Thursday, July 31, 2014


Few things in life are more annoying than being told “It just wasn’t the right timing, but when the timing is right everything will work out…” Any variation of that statement causes a cringe-like response in my otherwise decent posture… Because Ugh…  Just Ugh…

Timing. Frickin’ timing. Something we have absolutely no control over, but something that controls us absolutely.

Now don’t get me wrong, the infuriating sentence above is certainly sage advice and probably emits from a completely sincere, good hearted source (Like your friend “Emily” or “Suzy” who is uncannily optimistic and effervescent 100% of the time and who consistently wears pastels brighter than Easter eggs- You know who I mean) … I just wish the need for these statements to be spoken to me was a little less frequent.

The problem is, my mind has a superb talent of finding a way to warp these good hearted words of encouragement into curses of utter despair (Because Emily and Suzy also happen to lead perfect lives with butterflies that flutter around their faces- So what do they know about timing?). At this time I find myself reverting to my inner childlike tantrum state of exclaiming, “BUT IT’S NOT FAIR!”

And that inner child, while certainly belligerent and hysterical, is not wrong. Timing sometimes is just NOT FAIR. So what do I do? Do I handle bad timing like a mature adult with grace, patience, and understanding?

Eh… Sometimes.

But if we’re being honest about this (which I think is the point of this blog), more often than not, I complain. Then I feel discouraged and upset, and then I probably complain some more because Oh Holy Night, timing sometimes blows

But… Okay, but then again… timing doesn’t always blow… Does it? Hmm…

Because there was that time I was running late to class and found $20 in the parking lot… Or that other time when I drove to my sister’s house and walked in the door to witness my niece take her first step… Or when I rented a car from Thrifty and it happened to be their company anniversary so I won a free Ipod shuffle… Ha! Or that time in Europe when I decided to… Umh, actually, let’s skip that story, you get the point.

Timing can also be hilarious, inspiring, heartfelt, loving, breathtaking, genuine, and wonderful.

So… What have I learned about timing? Simply that it is not worth my time or energy to try to alter or control. And let me tell you, for something so not possible, it’s ridiculous how much time I’ve spent on it.

And with that knowledge, I am slowly (oh so slowly) learning to let go of the tightly grasped life I planned for me to embrace the amazing life God desperately desires to give me…  All in His perfect timing.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Politics Word Vomit

Uh oh. With a title like that, an intense debate is around the corner, right? Easy with the gloves, Holyfield, give me a few paragraphs before you start swinging…

Most people within earshot of this word have a visceral reaction to it. I suppose on occasion positive connotations may be associated (Although cuddly fuzzy pink bears and unicorns jumping over rainbows are rarely linked), but majority of the time a physical shudder, cringe, or acid dripping facial scrunch ensues after hearing this simple three syllable word.

Why? Because when politics are involved situations get “dicey,” and conversations have a tendency to crescendo into passionately opinionated verbal warfare. Simply put… It can get really, really ugly.

The thing is, politics are about our quality of life, how we are governed as a people, and how we live as a society; it makes complete sense to get fiery about these topics which can and do affect our daily life. Many of the political decisions today will determine the type of world our children and children’s children experience… so shouldn’t we get passionately stirred up about that?

I not only support people cultivating their own opinions (yes, even if they are different than my own), I 100% encourage it. And if you know me well, you understand that I have absolutely no problem engaging in challenging conversations… Am I always right? Oh absolutely not. Do I always respond in the appropriate way? Unfortunately that’s a big fat “no” once again… but I’m working on it.

Because what I’ve seen as the most disturbing part of these political arguments, is the manner in which opinions and viewpoints are conveyed versus the actual issues themselves. Personal attacks on another person do little to promote your viewpoint on an issue. And quite frankly, in my opinion, they do very little to promote you. Your agenda is now tainted in my eyes.

‘Cause if we’re having a conversation about pollution in water streams, but then I feel like I need to defend the unrighteous name calling of my mother… well, that definitely confuses things, and causes a distraction from the original argument. I will look into it, but I’m pretty sure my mother has nothing to do with the polluting of endangered fish swimming waters.

Oftentimes watching political debates makes me sad. Sad that we have not figured out how to speak to each other with human decency after all this time. Sad that we cannot respect another person’s opinion unless it is the same as our own. And very sad that there are people in important, powerful positions in our society who are using their power to bully and insult rather than promote their political agenda or political position (which was the point of being involved in politics to begin with, right? Was it?).

And believe me, I am not innocent of slinging out personal offenses that have nothing to do with the conversation. Sometimes my words are purely declared out of anger and attack mode, and I am NOT proud of that. But thank God I have started to realize this more and more, and have begun to catch myself (sometimes after, but hopefully before) when reaching juvenile behavior.

I realize I may be living in a fantasy world with this request… but seriously… Can’t we all just get along? And if not, say your piece, then shut it when you feel like you’re starting to spiral down into immature-ville. No? Too mean?

Anyway, that’s my opinion. And you are welcome to disagree… Nicely.