Saturday, December 13, 2014

Blissful Ignorance

Is ignorance really bliss?

Yes. End of blog.

Seriously though… is it? The righteous, ever curious side of me shouts “Of course not!” Always gather as much information as you possibly can to make well informed decisions. Intense recon (for me that means “googling” and/or asking my Daddy) is critical! If you don’t, you’ll end up looking like a fool and oh my gosh I hate that.

BUT, sometimes you are joyfully trotting along (dare I say… blissfully trotting along) when you encounter information that brings your whistling peppy step to an abrupt halt leaving you falling flat on your happy little face. You pick yourself up and try to merrily continue, but your step has lost its pep and your whistle sounds more like a funeral hymn. You speak differently, you act differently, and you even think differently. Ignorance is sounding pretty darn good right about now...

The problem is, unknowing something is not an option just as unsaying something is not an option. In real life there are no “backsies,” eternal sunshine of the spotless mind or that handy little blinky tool from “Men in Black.” Once it hits your ears, your brilliant mind is already getting to work decoding that information to let you know how you should respond, how you should act, how you should feel… Ooh so wise, right? So now knowing this information, all you have to do is be completely careful and intentional of what you say and do (and pray everyone else in your life is too) and just accurately convey exactly what you mean all the time… Easy, right?

Of course not.

Because we all make mistakes. A LOT of mistakes. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not, sometimes they’re big mistakes, sometimes they’re small ones. Sometimes we say and do things that hurt people, even (or especially) the people we care about the most, and sometimes we hurt ourselves. Sometimes we know exactly what to do to fix it… Sometimes we don’t. Ignorance can certainly shelter us from a lot of painful situations that life throws at us. So is there a point when ignorance is no longer an option? Yes…

When we know better.

Making mistakes is fine, it’s normal, it’s even human… But if we aren’t learning from our mistakes; if we are intentionally ignorant of the opportunity to grow and learn from the faulty choices we make, then we are choosing the path of a fool. And I don’t know about you, but I am foolish enough on accident without choosing to be one.

So… Is ignorance bliss? Eh, sometimes… but I’d much rather aim for bliss without the ignorant part.