Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Not Enough Word Vomit

Not Enough
An unreal amount of conditioning gets pumped into our minds to believe we do not have enough. Umh… Not enough of what?

Well thank you for asking!

Not enough toys, not enough money, not enough hair, or enough makeup, or clothes, or electronics, or cars, or houses, or blah blah blah… Not enough!

And we are not only told that we need more, we’re told that we deserve more.

L’Oreal tells us it’s because “You’re worth it.” But worth what? Hair dye? ‘Cause let me tell you right now, you are worth much much more than Chestnut Medium Brown with conditioning rinse.

So what is it that we deserve more of?

Stuff. And also things.

The implication is that our worth is so great, we deserve to have a bunch of stuff and things that will emanate our worth to the world.

But wait… Is that what we want to emanate? Is that where our worth begins and ends? In the fact that we have the ability to accumulate a whole bunch of snarfblats and dinglehoppers? Well that sucks kinda, but also really a lot.

So… instead of emanating our worth in things, what if we tried to emanate our worth with who we are?

Oooh… that’s scary though. Like, really scary.

And not only because there are parts of myself I don’t like, but also because I’m still trying to figure out who I am and what I want to be. Yikes! Emanate… the real me?

I definitely don’t know a lot, but I do know this: God gave each and every person on this planet worth to do and be something great. Greater than all the things and stuff that you can put into your 100,000 square foot home, and greater than all the feelings and emotions of inferiority that we experience for not having the things and the stuff.

So this is good news! Because we already have innate worth… And now it’s time for you to start believing it by emanating the compassionate, hopeful, loving, mistake making, forgiving, persistent, humbling, challenging, loyal, open minded, funny, caring person you are.

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