Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sometimes I just need a burger and a beer Word Vomit

So I’ve been trying to eat healthier lately. I realize that sentence is probably not the expected lead off based on the title of this blog. But I actually did good for a little while! There was some kale, and some sprouts of sorts, SPINACH salads, tabbouleh, real fruit things and a limited amount of sugary “fruit flavored” things. And then, a couple days later, I decided I deserved a burger. A big one. With fries and a big fat beer.

That made me very happy.

Some people are very good at the “eating healthy all the time” thing that I find utterly exhausting. I have a friend who eats dates and sliced cucumbers for her snack. I have quite a different idea of what a snack should entail, and none of them include gigantic wannabe raisins or vegetables made up mostly of water.

In fact, I struggle with the concept of making the right choices A LOT.

Because it’s really hard. And the right decision is rarely the most appealing or easiest decision. But can you imagine if struggling was not a part of our lives at all? If the right choices in our lives were the easy ones? “Okay, Adam Levine, just calm down! I suppose I could marry you and travel around on your private yacht through the Mediterranean… just chill out okay?”

We would all be selfish, spoiled brats. And it would be a very sick, sad world (Daria reference… anyone?).

Moral compasses, as boring and restricting as they may seem on the surface, are good. And I have been trying (really really hard lately) to use mine to point me in the right direction. I have no idea where that direction will lead me, but I’m trusting that God does and attempting to let go of the needing to know everything part (I said attempting). Sometimes I am a rockstar at it, and sometimes I hit every sand trap on the course. But looking back, I have no doubt that my character and personality was absolutely shaped and deeply affected during times of struggle. And I kinda like me.

There’s a lot of really tough life decisions out there. Sometimes I make the right ones, and sometimes I make the wrong ones. Sometimes they’re really really tough, and sometimes they’re just quasi tough. Sometimes I need to suck in my pride, and ask others for help. And sometimes I just need a burger and a beer.

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